Download Implementation:
- Maple implementation and example of the Rational Univariate Representation computation from numerical data, related to the paper "Certifying solutions to overdetermined and singular polynomial systems over Q" (by Tulay Ayyildiz Akoglu and Jon Hauenstein)., Cyclic9, Cluster
- Maple implementation of the Weierstrass iteration for finding the nearest polynomial system with k common roots, including a testing file (by Marc Sciabica).
- Matlab implementation of the Weierstrass iteration for finding nearest systems with given root multiplicities, including a tutorial (by Scott Pope). matlabfiles.tar
- Maple implementation of the Approximate Radical Algorithm, using trace matrices and numerical rank computation (by Itnuit Janovitz-Freireich).
- Maple implementations of Minimal Separating Sets algorithm that can be used in desiding consistency of multivariate interpolation data: an incremental (i.e. new datapoints do not require complete recomputation) and a divide and conquer approach is implemented.