Awards and Grants:

2012-2015 Research Grant, National Science Foundation, PI

2004-2011 CAREER Award, National Science Foundation, PI

2005-2008 SCREMS Grant, National Science Foundation, co-PI

2005-2007 NCSU/China Partnership Grant, National Science Foundation, co-PI

2003-2006 Research Grant, National Science Foundation, PI

2003-2004 International Conference on Applied Computer Algebra Grant, NSF, co-PI

2004 Best poster award, ISSAC ‘04

2000-2002 EPRSC postdoctoral fellowship

1999-2000 PIMS postdoctoral fellowship

1998-1999 Postdoctoral fellowship at MSRI, Berkeley

1992 Research grant, Hungarian Foundation for Scientific Research, co-PI

1991 Tempus fellowship, University “La Sapienza”, Rome

1986 Award at the “Riesz Frigyes Memorial Competition in Mathematics”